Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Wordsworth in the Back Garden

I didn't notice the earthquake that apparently shook most of England (and some of Wales) in the wee small hours of the morning. But I did notice this morning that several of the daffodils in our back garden had fallen over. I don't think the two incidents are related. I brought the fallen soldiers inside, where they lend a springlike air to the mantel.

I never thought about it (and I'm not particularly "in tune" with the natural world) but I strongly associate flowers with particular places. These flowers seem so English to me; I can't look at them without thinking of Wordsworth wandering lonely as a cloud. I had a similar thing with the lilacs around my neighbourhood in Lawrence when I lived there. These flowers are so different from the ones I associate with spring and summer in Texas, the bluebonnets, wisteria, Queen Anne's lace, mimosa blossoms, azaleas, etc.

P.S. Ack! I've just made myself massively homesick by visiting the Texas Highways website in search of images of wildflowers. I am definitely going to have to have barbecue this weekend...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We (Dad) cooked hot dogs & hamburgers on a small grill last night--thought of you!!