Friday, 1 February 2008

Joining the Blogpool

So, my New Year resolution was "to use the power of the internet to keep in closer touch with my family and friends." Initially, this was just a fancy way to say that I would e-mail my mom more often, but it quickly grew and expanded and got almost totally out of hand (as so many of my plans do) and now means using the power of the internet to let the whole world know what I'm up to, via a blog. Sadly, this will likely often be something along the lines of: Still not working. Did a bit of embroidery. Made jambalaya for dinner! See picture (either of said embroidery, jambalaya or me not working).

So let's see how that works out, shall we?

My first task was of course to name the blog. This turned out to be a bit harder than I'd imagined. My three choices were taken by people who, really, I have to consider timewasters. Well, two of them haven't posted anything since 2005, so that's no good. My third choice was City Mouse/Country Mouse, intended to reflect the fact that while I now live in a big city (London), I grew up in and continue to have close ties to the country (Texas). However, this title is used by a person who puts out different types of food to see if mice will eat them. Which is kind of brilliant, yet also sort of insane.

And so, it's Charmland. It puts me in mind of Santaland, Candyland, Tomorrowland and other themed fantasy locations that you believe could really exist when you're a kid. And, while you might not want to live in those places, I think we can all agree they would probably be nice to visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Charmland! I want to live there! Of course, I also want to live in the Magic Kingdom, so I may not be a good judge ...