I am totally entranced by Diablo Cody's dress! For one thing, the press here hasn't had very large pictures of her, so I had to do some actual research to see the whole thing and even then, I haven't quite got my head around it. I found lots of other pictures of her throughout the award season and, I gotta say, I love this woman's wardrobe! It seems to consist of black, cardigans, funky jewelry, touches of red and leopard print and, almost exclusively, flats! She wore flats to the Oscars! I can so get behind that! I am not completely sold on the tattoo, but I like that she shows it off. Maybe everyone in the States is in love with her and she's been named the official new Style Icon of the nation and is getting her own TV show, but in the UK press all I've read is how she's very clever and talented. Which is good, but these clothes demand some attention too.

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