Thursday, 14 February 2008

Valentine's Day

Love is all around, etc. and we’re celebrating in our own way. We aren’t having a traditional date night with dinner and dressing up, as Matthew is working tonight. Last night we exchanged cards, had a lovely dinner of lasagna, champagne and chocolate truffles while watching not one, but two episodes of Torchwood, the Dr Who spin-off series. This afternoon we went to a matinee of Cloverfield, which is not a traditionally romantic movie, but we did clutch at each other several times in terror. Matthew gave me a sweet little bouquet of roses. Tonight I am sending him to work with a dinner of leftover lasagna and heart-shaped brownies, while I’ll stay home and watch TV.

Here are pictures of the cards we exchanged. Obviously, we went in different directions for expressing our feelings:

I made the brownies from another Hershey's recipe. Super easy and quick, and I think they turned out to be quite cute. I ate the off-cuts, so I already know they're very tasty.

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