The other weekend we went to Paradise Gardens, a free festival in Victoria Park. There were bands and food booths and lots of people sitting around in the grass. My favourite part was
Carter's Steam Fair, an old-fashioned carnival that tours the southeast of England with vintage attractions and rides. I took a lot of photos, but my favourite part was the vintage arcade, with all the old penny games. They don't take pennies anymore, but the tokens were 8 for £1, which I thought was pretty good, and according to Matthew, they are the size and shape of old pennies, i.e. really big and flat.

As you can see, these aren't really games of skill, more just "pull a lever and see where the little ball goes". I preferred the ones where I knew I would win something, or at least get some info. We didn't do this one, but a more traditional Love-o-meter said Matthew is a cold fish! I think he was a bit disappointed, but I found it pretty funny.

I consulted the Matrimonial Bureau regarding a future child and this is what I got:

I'm not sure what I think about it. Not only is the baby black - I'm not a geneticist, but I believe that would be a highly unlikely outcome of the two of us procreating - but it also seems to be poor! While we are so solidly middle-class! I wonder if this machine is perhaps not terribly reliable and that it might have given me a picture of someone else's baby.
I was much happier with the results of the X-ray photo machine below:

As you can see, they were very accurate:
You make me laugh!~~Ma
I really like the hat you are wearing in the very real, very accurate xray, but am upset to find that Matthew smokes -- please tell him it is bad for his health.
Oops... forgot to sign that last comment. Dad
Oh, and I agree that the child could not be yours--the haphazard patch is a dead give-away. You would never leave it like that (unless it was sort of a "shabby chic" effort)~~Ma
Would you believe it's a bubble pipe?
And re the baby's sad little dress - I know! I thought, just because a person is poor doesn't mean she can't be tidy!
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