This is a thank you card I recently received from my 4-year-old friend Bo. (We'd sent her some little presents for her birthday.) This reminded me that I also got a thank you card from my niece Mattie after we sent her birthday presents. Say what you will about gangs and street crime - in my experience, the kids today are extremely polite.
Not only are they polite, they are cute. Very, very, very cute. And smart. Very, very, very smart.~~ma
What a fantastic mother that little friend must have! ;)
Yes, that's what makes the difference. Personally, I never send thank you cards. I guess that says something about how I was raised.
Not really! It's just how lazy I am now! My mom is super-awesome - honest!
Your mom? Not only is she super-awesome, but she is very cute. And smart. Very, very,very smart. And polite--even resorted to addressing the envelopes FOR you and leaving them on the kitchen table.... One would conclude your upbringing is the reason you are polite, cute, smart, super-awesome, and not really interested in being in a street gang. BTW, your niece looks through her "Who Loves Baby?" book and can now say your & your husband's names pretty clearly:) Cute, smart & soon-to-be polite.~~ma
Well, I think the entire Mark family is cute, smart, polite, and very, very inventive. Why, just the other day I prepared an old Mark family favorite for my husband. 1 large can spaghettios, 1 block velveeta, 1 lb ground beef. Brown beef and mix in spaghettios and velveeta. Heat through and serve over fritos. Bon appetit!
That sounds yummy, except why does it have to have the Spaghetti-Os in it? What do they add to the mix? Do they not get lost in all the cheese?
Tasca, Tasca, Tasca.... Spaghettios add the seasoned tomato sauce and also the noodles for interest. Otherwise, you've just got meat & cheese, see?!! Not to mention the additional sodium!~-Bmark
Oh, no, not at all. In fact, the spaghettios lend this dish an undeniably unctuous quality as well as a tomato-ey zing! I also add a little smoked paprika and a dash of chipotle powder for punch. Mangez!
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