Thursday, 4 September 2008

Crazed Political Rant!

It’s an election year and this is a blog, after all, so I thought I’d better post some ill-informed political opinions post haste!

I don’t like Sarah Palin. This isn’t because she is a powerful woman or a former beauty queen (okay, maybe a little bit). I don’t like her as a prospective vice president because she is a Republican. To me, an intelligent woman being an enthusiastic member of the Republican party just seems contrary to nature. I view female Republicans with only slightly less scepticism than I do Log Cabin Republicans. Have you not read the brief, people? This party is not for you, it’s against you.

Everything I’ve read about Sarah Palin’s record and beliefs (and, yes, all my research was done on the internet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong) suggests that she is pretty much the opposite of what I’m looking for in a VP. The idea that McCain may have picked her to appeal to Hillary supporters who haven’t yet warmed to Obama reveals the contempt in which the Republicans hold the American public, how very stupid they must think we are. (Unfortunately, the last couple of elections haven’t done much to disprove that notion, but I won’t get into that. I can’t – I still actually cannot believe the outcome of the 2000 election.)

I know that living in the UK, I don’t get to see the situation “on the ground.” But I do see what the past few years have done to the way the rest of the world sees America and Americans, and I’ve got to say, it ain’t good. It’s no fun to be lectured about the evils of imperialism by citizens of the British Commonwealth (formerly the British Empire) or about the US government’s genocidal treatment of Native Americans by a German. But Europeans love Obama – let’s have him, okay?

My one and only comment on Bristol Palin: Matthew informs me that “Bristol” is cockney rhyming slang. Bristol City (football club) – city – titty. Example: “Phwoar, look at the pair of Bristols on her.” That’s all I’m saying.

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