Saturday, 12 April 2008

The Trailer

Yes, it's been ages since I've posted. I've been very busy, what with not working very regularly, sleeping, reading Stuff White People Like compulsively and conducting some cooking experiments. My findings: turns out risotto is simple - but hard at the same time. Matthew does not find the sight of a turkey carcass boiling merrily very appetising and, honestly, doesn't understand why we can't just buy stock cubes (I have no answer for this). And, while a splash of Worcestershire sauce perks up homemade turkey soup nicely, vinegar not so much.

I've done more than that, of course. I'm just not going to write about it right now. I would, but have decided instead to watch TV while mending my beloved brown blanket. But I will expound soon enough and here are just some of the exciting topics you can expect to see covered:

- houseguests! My friends Tasca and Jim and their daughter Bo came to visit from Edinburgh and we had a brilliant time!
- we saw the Rolling Stones - sort of!
- degrees that actually help people get jobs!
- we went to a child's birthday party at a bar/night club!
- Shakespeare!
- new television obsessions!
- and probably lots more!

Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

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