Saturday, 15 March 2008


It's been almost two weeks since I last posted. I don't have a very good excuse. It's mainly that I've been working and that has put me in a really foul mood. I know most people have to work almost every day - and I've been there, believe me - but it is so annoying!

My commute has been pretty challenging lately. I think we had two days last week of certifiable "transport chaos", which is what the papers call it when there are major problems on public transport. It took me almost two hours to get to work on Monday. Fortunately I have a well-stocked iPod and used the time to listen to almost two entire episodes of This American Life. The only problem is that their stories are either really funny, causing me to snigger or even laugh out loud, or quite emotional, in which case I get all teary-eyed. Either of these circumstances can be kind of embarassing on the Tube. But I heart Ira Glass. I miss NPR so much. It's right up there on the list of things I miss, with my family and Target and driving and 24-hour grocery stores and people who pronounce oREGano correctly. (English people pronounce the name of this herb oreGANo, which for some time I was convinced was a put-on but this seems increasingly unlikely, since the entire country would have had to get together before I arrived and decide on the joke. My annoyance is exacerbated by the fact that they pronounce the "h" in "herb" too, making any discussion of food flavourings completely maddening.)

Anyway, the point is I have been spending long hours working in a job that is alternately very boring and very stressful and, as a result, all I want to do when I finally do get home is eat dinner, watch television, and sleep. Ergo, no posts.

Another reason I haven't posted is that we haven't had a very happy week. One of Matthew's co-workers suddenly fell ill and died last week. He was younger than Matthew, and had three young children. Everyone was quite shaken. And, my uncle died yesterday. He had been ill with cancer for several years, but knowing that didn't make it any less shocking and distressing. I might write more about it later - it's prompted me to think a lot about family, mortality, love, the meaning of life, etc - but it will have to wait.

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