As you may have noticed, the blog has been on haitus for a while. It turns out that the degree I'm doing is a bit more work than I anticipated. Actually, it's been a huge amount of work, way more than I expected, and it's been taking up every bit of brain power I've had for weeks and weeks. Our next semester starts week after next and then I'll have three more months of lectures before writing a dissertation over the summer.
I should be back around the beginning of April, with all sorts of anecdotes and pictures of things I've baked and new style obsessions. Until then, I'm off to learn everything there is to know about the UK planning system - and to contemplate Gwyneth Paltrow's new detox diet. Don't worry; I won't do it. I refuse to do any diet that bans "nightshades" and wants me to drink lukewarm lemon water every morning. It might work, but I reject it for sheer goofiness.
So until I return, I leave you with photos of some Panda cookies someone brought to me as a souvenir from China. They look lovely on the box...

..but when you look inside, they're so angry!